This is a rather late post. I was supposed to review the June box earlier but didn’t get round to it until now…when the July box is already here. *yikes*
I’ve got another subscription box to introduce to everyone. Nope, it’s not a beauty box. It contains food…healthy snacks to be exact. It’s started by a college acquaintance and his two other partners.
Ever felt hunger pangs at weird hours where you end up munching away on potato chips, only to think about the calories and regret later? Well, these guys from BoxGreen understand the feeling. That’s why they’ve come up with this great idea of supplying healthy snacks on a monthly basis.
The subscription plans are:
- Monthly — $19.90/mth
- 3 Months — $18.90/mth, $56.70 charged every 3 months (save 5%)
- 6 Months — $17.90/mth, $107.40 charged every 6 months (save 10%)
- 12 months — $15.90/mth, $190.80 charged per year (save 20%)
The good thing about choosing a higher plan is that you get some savings. The bad thing is that you commit yourself to receiving a box for the specified number of months. So you can’t quit halfway if you really get sick of it. The payments are set up to deduct regularly on Paypal.
There’s a whole load of wonderful snacks to choose from. All you have to do is choose eight snacks to begin with. Each box will contain four chosen snacks, so you’re really listing for two boxes. The list is totally customisable. You can choose what snacks you want to receive, in any order you like. If any of your chosen snacks are sold out, the squirrels at BoxGreen will replace it with a surprise snack. Or if you really like surprises, you can just not pick anything and let the friendly squirrels do the picking for you. It’s that simple.
I’ve known about BoxGreen for some time but was just hesitating a little over the price. But but but…they have garlic macademias… That was it. I gave in to the temptation and started my subscription.

Open the box and what do I see, my snacks carefully wrapped in brown paper. Mmmmm…the going green and earthy feel.
Two of my choices were probably sold out and they got replaced.
Shitake Mushroom Chips: I love mushrooms but I was a little curious and skeptical about this snack. Dried shitake mushrooms have to weird salty smell, so how would the mushroom chips taste like? Sure hope they didn’t have the same smell. Well, they didn’t! They had this nice soy sauce flavour and were totally crunchy. Very addictive.
Cranberry Fusion: This was one the replacement surprise snacks. Really not complaining because I love cranberries. This snack is a mix of cranberries, raspberries and blueberries. Raspberries…really? I don’t remember tasting any. Haha. This snack is a little on the sweet side though.
Berry Dark in Here: I’m not too sure why I chose this snack. Haha. Probably because I was drawn to the sultanas. It’s a mix of golden raisins, dried strawberries and dark chocolate buttons. I was pleasantly surprised that the dried strawberries tasted sweet here. The ones in this cereal that I bought, tasted sour.
The last snack is Lightly Roasted Pistachios. I didn’t take a photo of it because you do know how pistachios look like right? I opted for Rosemary Pistachios, but apparently those were sold out. Ah well. *shrugs*
I know, you must be thinking why no garlic macademias in this box when that snack was the one that tempted me into starting this subscription. Erm well…apparently the bottom four snacks in my list of eight got sent first.
So there you have it. My review of my first BoxGreen snack box. The snacks are really good so they’re are worth a try.
Right now, there’s a cool promotion going on. If I refer 10 friends, I get a chance at winning a free box. So help me out guys, by clicking on this link to get started with your own BoxGreen subscription. Then refer 10 friends to get your chance at winning a free box too!