Clearing my backlog of reviews. Was busy earlier trying to fix a little problem I had with the comment plugin, which eventually I had to get my webhosting company to fix.
Anyway, I’m back to let everyone know that Black Box has revamped their look and system. Subscribers used to ballot for bi-monthly boxes filled with sample-sized products. (That’s how I got my awesome collection of small tubes of toothpaste that are good for travel use!) If you weren’t successful with the ballot, you could purchase a box for $6. Being the freebie monster I am, that sounded like a sweet deal to me. I still have the plastic zip pouches the coupons came in to prove my loyalty to Black Box! Haha.
The new Black Box is sleeker and more chic.

You can either go with Classic or Luxury. There are different samples for both categories.
A surprise beauty box no longer awaits you. You get to choose what samples you want now. So fill up your basket with 4 classic samples for $5.90, 9 classic samples for $9.90, 3 luxury samples for $9.90 or 7 luxury samples for $16.90. Or you can get special beauty boxes at price ranges of $10-$40 if you fancy. (I’ll touch on the latter in the next post.) After you’ve tried out the samples, return to the site to post your reviews in exchange for points. The points can be accumulated to redeem for more samples! The best thing is that subscription to this sample programme is still free!